The Look | Size up

SIZE has always been a deciding factor when it comes to looking FLAWLESSLY PERFECT.
Skin-tight clothes may have had the upper-hand in the fashion scene for the longest lately but the latest trend, however, is to go loose. It’s time to bring out the baggy T-shirts, slouchy coats and slightly big dresses . Exactly those items that have been tucked away since ancient times…(FIY the 90’s is ancient times).
Oversize is busting out this season, for both men and women. Especially now for the winter collections.

Oversize can be worn to make one look just as chic and fashionable as skin-tight clothing can, if worn the right way. This trend has been featured on the runways of major fashion houses this season. Houses like GUCCI, Chloe, Balenciaga and a few others

Break all the rules this season, by getting fabulously comfortable this Winter…. Size up, rather than down!

Images by : f* and various sources





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