Name: Leah Misika
City: Windhoek
Style Crush:  Little Ms La Mode (LM)

Call me little Ms La Mode. I have always known that fashion was going to be a part of my life but I never realized it would be my career. People always ask me about my sense of style and how I put my clothes together. I usually laugh because I find that I no longer think about what to wear, its just some how all comes together. I do remember a time when putting an outfit together wasn’t the easiest thing. I later realized that I was trying too hard and have been in love with simplicity ever since. I wear what makes me feel good and the best part is that other people love it. My current obession with gold chains and muscle tees is a cause for concern. Its bringing the tomboy out of me again. My favourite accessory; my hair! I love how my hairstyles change outfits, its the coolest thing ever so I change it as often as I can. As for what Fashion means to me, I would have to write an autobiography for people to fully comprehend my obsession with Fashion. In a nutshell; Fashion is my life and I’m loving every second of this runway.


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