African Fashion | Street Style in Abidjan


First Name : Kifack
City : Abidjan , Vallons
Occupation : Event Planner , fashion journalist
Sense of style : Fashion is my profession , my routine . I need to dress up to feel good and to inspire
Trend prediction : I have a dream that one day , more African Men will wear Wax tuxedos
Current obsession : Never without my black scarf , today is the exception
Item to highlight : wax tuxedo

African Fashion | Street Style in Abidjan
First Name : Florence
City : Abidjan , Cocody
Occupation : Accounting Student
Sense of style : I love everything glitter , friends tell me I have the soul of a star
Trend prediction : Lace is back babes
Current obsession : I collect rings
Item to highlight : Lace Tuxedo

Street style contributions from Abidjan are provided by Ivory Coast fashion and art blogger Carroll. For more fashion fabulocity check out her blog L’Abidjanaise 


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