About the collection
 “Ruberto Scholtz and I are design partners and we are currently fashion students at the College of the Arts. We have our own little brand on the sides called Schlotz & Iileka but we are busy rebranding and finding an identity for our brand as it’s still in it’s infant stage. We don’t plan to go mainstream any time soon, nor planning to have any fashion shows. We want to grow our brand slowly. We have dressed clients like the likes of Luis Munana for Big Brother and clients for special events and launch parties. We like to give clients a look that is not available in stores or that is hard to find. Our aim is to target the youth and newly working class who want to look like simplicity and yet want to look stylish and expensive. Our brand is a commercial ready to wear line that’s includes street wear and evening wear. Most of our clients are male but we also offer women’s wear.” – Abisai Iileka


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