Namibian Designers- Mwalenga Nghipumbwa

 So, its about time that I did something on Namibian Fashion and Designers.

I sat down Ms. Mwalenga Ngipumbwa, who recently just graduated from UNAM, Honours degree in Fashion studies and sociology. Also an aspiring fashion desginer.
I wanted to get the Namibian perspective on fashion here and in the diaspora

So, over coffee and waffles we spoke and I asked her the follwing questions:

View me.jpg in slide show

V.-What do you currently think of the Namibian fashion
industry now, and how would you compare the industries growth with the

M.-Namibia’s fashion industry has grown through the past
couple of years as we see more and more local fashion designers hitting
international runways and showing of their Namibian inspired collections. With
a lot of them placing emphasis on the Namibian culture and all things Namibian
in their designs. Which add a little different favour to runways…. however we
still need more qualified individuals that 
can go out and spread this heritage and expand Namibian designers to the
rest of the fashion world.

V.-What do you think about everyone calling themselves a fashion

It is a noticeable trend in Namibia that individuals that
believe they can stitch together a garment call themselves a designer besides
no formal design background. Which is a shame to qualified designers who went
through years of technical training. And even through years of experience still
refer to themselves as upcoming young designers, as they know the true value of
the term “fashion designer” which comes with a lot more experience, expertise
and mastered technicalities.

M.-What does it take to be a designer in your own opinion?

As  mentioned before a
lot of expertise is required in order to be a designer. Its more then fabric
meets the sewing needle. One needs to have the the technical background that is
not as glamorous as the completed garments. Some of the necessary traits

Illustration drawing: what is a designer who cant put their
ideas on paper,

Pattern making skills: are of 
importance as the basics of a complete garment comes from a well
constructed pattern

Textile basics: is also essential as the wrong fabric
combination can lead to a poor fit of a garment,

Creativity: in order to produce garments that  are impressive yet something different and

Sewing capabilities: a garment has to come together at the
end of it all and good sewing capabilities can get a garment on a scaling of
poor construction to showing professionalism.

The list is endless but those traits are needed.

V.-What advice would you give to young aspiring designers
in Namibia?

M.-As a qualified young upcoming designer, my words would be:
Be daring and different, also seek the necessary expertise required to be a
designer do not be afraid to learn new traits that the industry has to offer.
Stay true to your dreams as nothing is built over night.

V.-What do you think of Namibians and their sense of style?

Just like the rest of the world Namibian style tends to
follow a more commercial route. However individuals need to develop their own
unique sense of style, without totally taking away from the commercial end. By
adding a little spruce of self identity to an outfit can create a different
look. Namibians sense of style is till very mainstream in some cases, however
more and more individuals are blooming with their own fashion style trends that

Here is some of her own work:

Mwalenga is also a little fashionista herself. I always see her in fierce earthy ,african print and so on. Love it..
occupation:fashion graduate
sense of style: boho casual
current obsession:tribal print
Thats it for little interview with miss. M .


One response to “Namibian Designers- Mwalenga Nghipumbwa”

  1. MissSelmaK Avatar

    Nice article. Its so true about how everyone wants to be a designer without proper qualifications and experience. People need to truly understand what a fashion designer is.

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