It’s rare these days that you will find a trend or an artist or a look that you find  will consistently deliver the most amazing things you have ever seen. One was found and his name is Namobwa Malua, fine artist, illustrator and drawer.

It all stared a few years ago, when you would see these amazing portraits of people popping up on social media and you would wonder who is painting these and why you don’t also have one. One by one all your friends would change their profile pictures to one of these amazing portraits and tag the pictures with hashtags like ” #Nambowayouarethebest, #NamowaMalua, #Nambowaistruelyanartist and you thought to yourself, who is this man??

Well, a few years down the line, if you don’t know this amazing digital artist is, then you have been living under a rock. Not only does he turn your image into a piece of art, he creates it with every stroke of his digital paint brush.

Sean Kamati

Jacques Mushaandja

Martha Mukaiwa

Nikolai Tjongarero

Mwalenga Nghipumbwa

Mark Mushiva

Nambowa Malua

Here is a self-portrait of this talented artist. We just had to find how he does what he does.

 “I began drawing and painting at a very young age. Too young perhaps. I got in so much trouble in my years of primary and high school because my school books were a mess with drawings, which I normally did during class hours. I made the decision to embark on this journey back in 2009 when I enrolled as Art student at the University of Namibia.

“The pursuit of passion , curiosity, an experiment or perhaps a calling of some sorts” – when asked why he started.

Tulimelila Shityuwete

Jackson Wahengo

“I never really knew why exactly why, but now I’m taking an exploratory view on the transcendental nature of the human being.”

Selma Kaulinge

“With portraits and full body figures I want to disclose and create ancestral stories, untold and under-told, informing the present and perhaps the future.”
His inspiration
“The human being, the most captivating element of life. One that can never be easily unfolded, and I always attempt to be as thoughtful as possible to subtle and crude languages of the human body and mind. And soul of course…”


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