Fashion and Art Flea Market

We would like to wish everyone a happy New year, let it be a year big with success and achievements. A year rich with affection of those who are dear to you, a year mellow with happiness and contentment… 
The Fashion and Art Flea market will be taking place once again on the Saturday 2nd February 2013 Garlic and Flowers from 10:00am – 18:00pm Entrance is free come and view different offerings from second hand goods to hand made items, furniture, cloths,art work and many more!! for info please contact 0812805621…  
Should you have any second hand items you would like to get rid of, hand made crafts you make, cloths, perfume anything sell-able…this would be the platform, come and put change in your pocket by booking your stall now for only N$ 50.00 for the whole day….

So for those of you guys that are around please do go and support this. It’s a great place to get fierce pieces of clothing and jewellery, bits of art and other things that might tickle your fancy.


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