We came across this brand, beautiful scarves and we thought we must have them. It is winter after all. Then we sat down with the creators of Anna’s Hands and found out that there was much to to these soft, luscious scarves that just the impeccable knitting…

is a knitwear company that was created by the children of a hardworking
and nurturing Namibian woman, Anna Maria Greyton. Her daughters and
granddaughter came together to create handmade knitted garments and accessories
in the true spirit of their mother. 

These garments are made with her love which means care, thought, warmth and soul went into each one. Each one different, unique in its own way and made to give comfort, reflect the colours the earth but also to make a statement.

What’s behind the name?
The name was inspired by Anna Maria Greyton; who was
a mother, grandmother, matriarch and a spirit who believed in the power of
working hard. She showed her love with her hands and although they were rough,
blistered and big, when touched they felt like comfort and protection. Her
hands made delicious meals and clothed her family; they could work the roughest
farmland or animals to the dirtiest kitchens or sew the softest garment. Her
hands were her way of showing her love to her family and making her mark in the
world. She lived to be 82 but her memory will live on in the principles she
left behind in her family.

What makes this brand unique?

It’s a 100% Namibian brand, spanning 3 generations.
It’s handmade knitted with love, care and time. Each piece walks a journey from
picking the right wool type, size and colour, to conceptualizing the style and
pattern; from figuring out what stitch and pattern goes where, to the final
touches. There are only 2 or 3 of the same scarves made making them unique, and
even if a colour way is repeated there will always be a difference (either
through wool size/pattern/style). Anna’s Hands produces 70% of its scarves in
Groot Aub (where some of the Greyton sisters reside) and the rest is made in

The range?
The introductory range of products from Anna’s Hands
is a 45-piece collection most of which have sold quite fast. The range was made
to explore all the different colours, patterns, styles and shapes that we’re
capable of making. It shows styles for both men and women (with children’s
scarves currently in production).

So, winter will end, what more can we expect?
Anna’s Hands will expand into a summer range, as
well as home ware in the near future and further into the future knitwear.  Our next focus whilst growing the brand will
be to empower more women within the Groot Aub community (where 70% the scarves
are currently made). This will be done through teaching them knitting skills
for production, basic sewing skills for finishing off accessories/garments. We
hope this will bring some economic development within that community no matter
how big or small.



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