Vakwetu, Lifestyle,


A coastal Namibian town, which is one of the countries biggest tourist attractions.
‘Where the Ocean meets the Desert’
Colonial buildings cover the skyline and the colonial past stays etched in the heart of many of the residents, but we are not here for a history lesson.
We are going to look at the fabulous thing I recently discovered while recently on a getaway weekend.

I walk down the streets of Swakop, full of people. As the festive season is around the corner and the normally sleepy town becomes the hub of Namibia. Both tourists and locals (Namibians) alike flood the town for their fabulous summer holidays.

I walk past what was the old Strand Hotel, which has recently been revamped and re-opened and stop in my tracks.
Blink for one second. Pinch yourself. Now continue. It’s amazing.
The waterfront is lined with stunning new restaurants and not the same old restaurant “chains” we are used to.

Go ahead, walk in, if you can get a table. They are always fully booked.

But a touch of fabulous, cosmopolitan city life has finally reached our beautiful coastline.

Vakwetu, Lifestyle,
Declicious Meals

Vakwetu, Lifestyle,
Mouth-watering Sushi

Vakwetu, Lifestyle,
Fresh,crisp glass of bubbles

Vakwetu, Lifestyle,

All while watching some of the most beautiful sunsets you will ever see.


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