Fire holiday, vacation, vakwetu, sean kamati

Take a FIRE picture on some dunes

Fire holiday, vacation, vakwetu, sean kamati
Take FIRE pictures of some dunes
Fire holiday, vacation, vakwetu, sean kamati

Grab your squad and take a FIRE picture against a garage door like you are getting paid for it

Fire holiday, vacation, vakwetu, sean kamati
Open a fashion magazine, rip out a page, take a FIRE picture of your friends and slap theirs in there instead

Fire holiday, vacation, vakwetu, sean kamati

When your friend visits take out your phone and snap some FIRE pictures of him too

Fire holiday, vacation, vakwetu, sean kamati
After you get back to the city and have dusted off your your clothes, removed the sand from your ‘fro and gotten your life together ; get some bubbles and round off a FIRE holiday with another FIRE picture


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